The Neville Hall,
Waltham St Lawrence
The Main Hall at Neville Hall can accommodate approximately 80 seated, 100 standing or 20 to 30 in a fitness class depending on the space required per individual. It is 85 square metres in size.
It has an adjacent fully equipped kitchen (with large hatch opening to the main hall and a 60 second cycle industrial dishwasher), high speed internet access (kindly donated by Gigaclear), male, female and disabled toilet facilities, tables and chairs, parking for about 25 vehicles and a 25 square metre entrance foyer making it an ideal venue for parties, fitness classes, meetings, baptisms, wakes and the like. Waltham St Lawrence’s parish church is next door and the CAMRA award winning Bell Inn is opposite.
You can arrange your own catering or make use of the hall’s kitchen.
Hiring Rates
Parishioners Other Hirers
Rate per Hour £15 £25
Friday or Saturday evening hire £80 £120
Payments should be made either by electronic transfer (The Neville Hall Charitable Trust, sort code: 20-39-53, account no: 80186163) referencing the date of hire OR via cheque, payable to The Neville Hall Charitable Trust.
Please also send completed booking forms and any cheques to:
John Kiss Booking Form.pdf
Coltmans Cottage
The Street Conditions of Hire.pdf
Waltham St Lawrence
RG10 0JJ Risk Assessment.pdf
All bookings are subject to the Neville Hall’s Conditions of Hire. Hall Plan & Dimensions.pdf